Sweet Celebrations

What do I consider sweet celebrations? A whole day of spending quality time with my family and enjoying some sweets and some celebrations.

This weekend my nephew Jonah is one month old. Look how chubby his face has become. My teeny tiny little chub chub. This is his favorite sleeping position.


My younger sister Berna (Jonah’s mom) is celebrating her birthday this weekend too.

Happy Birthday sister!!!


We had a BBQ for my sister’s birthday. Our food included spaghetti (noodles for long life), vegetable salad, BBQ chicken and beef, cassava cake and shrimp.

BBQ collage

I picked up a birthday cake from Porto’s Bakery. My sister mentioned that she wanted to try the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake for her birthday. Birthday girl request granted.

IMG_5389BBQ collage 1


The cheesecake was good. It was a light and fluffy kind of cheesecake, very different texture than Cheesecake Factory cakes. Those are the very dense, stick-to-the-top of your mouth kind of cheesecakes.

I really enjoyed the white chocolate shavings on the top too and the raspberries inside the cake. I just wished there were more.

Big Baby Jazzy (my niece) meets little baby Jonah.


“Awwww, he’s so cute”, her words and she must have repeated it 10x.

Seeing these two play together was very special. I still remember the day Jazzy was born and I held her in my arms at the hospital. She’s growing up so fast.


She’s at that age where she wants to copy everything that you do. She wanted to play and pretend like a mommy too. She put Mickey Mouse on the baby carriage so he can take a nap and put his blanket on so he will be warm.


While Mickey Mouse was taking a nap. Jazzy wanted to do big girl things, like going on the swing by herself.


Never a dull day around here.

I wear many hats. I’m a daughter, I’m a sister and I will soon-to-be a wife but I think one of the most fun, rewarding, stress free role I have is being an aunt. It is so fun to be an aunt to such cute babies. My life changed as soon as I became an aunt. It is filled with more love and I get to enjoy many precious moments.


It’s always a great day whenever there’s family celebration.

Hope you are having a good weekend.


  1. OMG! Janelle’s little girl looks just like Hazel!

  2. squigglefloey says:

    Haha omg the last photo just made my night! What a doll!!
    And I’ve been wanting to try Portos but haven’t had the time to make it out there (knowing that there would probably be a long line). Definitely on my to-do this summer.

    • Portos is worth it, just try to avoid going on the weekends when it’s crazy crowded. I ordered the cake ahead and there was still a small line in the pick-up counter. But the regular bakery was really crowded.

      Did you know there’s one in Downey now? We used to go to L.A. to get their food, so happy a closer one opened.

  3. Such great family time!! Your niece and nephew are both adorable! I love how your sister dresses your niece- too cute. All of the bday food looks yummy! Especially the shrimp- yum!

  4. looks like a wonderful time with family!!!!

  5. Your niece and nephew are so adorable! 🙂 I love the last picture of Jazzy’s face pressed against the glass! Too cute! 🙂

  6. Look at that little Jazzy! She is such a happy doll – I love it. So sweet that she got to play wither baby cousin – how special for your family. And that cake looks AWESOME. Happy Birthday to your sis!

  7. Your neice and nephew are adorable! It looks like you have a lot to celebrate 🙂

  8. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Oh my you had Porto’s for Dessert I guess you went to the one in Downey right? That is so much closer to you, if they didn’t have one there you would have to drive to Glendale – that’s where I go to pick up my desserts.

    They have the cutest new dessert called Besos “Kisses” it’s a short bread cookie to look like a Hershey’s kiss but filled with a raspberry puree, yummmm.

    What cute pictures of you neice and nephew. Awww adorable.

    I love that picture of Jazz where her nose is being pushed in by the window. So cute!

    Well Happy Birthday to both of you!

    • Yup, I went to Downey. We used to make the drive and get it all the way from L.A.. It was worth it though, so happy a closer one opened.

      Besos “Kisses” sounds good. It was really crowded on Saturday when I picked up the cake and the line to buy from the regular bakery was long. So I just picked up the cake and left. I will have to try it next time I go, but not on a weekend.

      Have you tried the guava filled pastries? That’s the only place I know that bakes with guava puree.

      • Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

        Just so you know if you pick up a specialty cake you can order from the other line (Pastry section) as well.

        I also know if you are picking up just a Specialty cake it’s best to just stop by and get it instead of ordering it. The lines for pre-order pick-up take forever.



    And your neice is absolutely right! He is absolutely adorable! 😀

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