Monday Blues

Summer is here, or at least that’s how it feels like the last few days. The weather is so beautiful today, and because I am working on a holiday, I feel like am missing out. I should be outside having a picnic or frolicking at the beach.

I had a very fun weekend hiking at Peters Canyon and then went to a party in Long Beach on Saturday night. Lizelle is one of my best friend from high school and she was in town to celebrate her 30th birthday. I haven’t seen her since our Napa trip, so it was great hanging out again.


Amy, Me and Amie



Me with the birthday girl Lizelle


On Sunday, I made a trip to visit my parents house and hung out with my youngest sister Hazel. It was warm outside and perfect day for some delicious frozen yogurt at Yogurtland.

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I was very excited to try the new Acai Berry Strawberry Banana flavor. No Added Sugar, even better 🙂

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My delicious and satisfying bowl. I got a little of each toasted coconut flavor & the Acai flavor and a ton of fruits. My fruit to yogurt ratio is usually 70 – 30. I just love eating the variety of fruits more than the yogurt.

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My sister Hazel enjoying her share.

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Monday Eats

I ran this morning before work. I had my cup of coffee and a toast with mashed bananas and almond butter on top.

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Then I had my second breakfast after my run. Scrambled egg whites, bowl of Chobani yogurt and fresh blueberries.

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For lunch I had my favorite salad.

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Also on the lunch menu is an egg and cheese (Laughing Cow wedge) sandwich.

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Hope you have the day off today and enjoying the holiday!!


  1. yogurtland is my favorite! i love the tart flavor with strawberries and mango on top.
    sorry you have to work today, what a bummer!!

    • Me too, my favorite fruits toppings are mango and strawberries. I like to add crunch and put granola on top.

      Work isn’t to bad, at least there isn’t traffic 🙂

  2. Everything looks delicious! I usually use the same yogurt to toppings ratio too! Love piling on the nuts and fruit with just a dash of froyo at the bottom screaming for attention =)

  3. It’s nice that you’ve had “nice” weather. I was actually able to run outside today, but it was still pretty chilly!

  4. your food looks so incredibly good! I have never heard of yogurt land…I love the name, lol!

  5. Oh my goodness, yogurtland? That sounds amazing! I love all types of frozen yogurt so I’m sure they all taste so good.

  6. Such a nice weekend 🙂 My favorite part would be the frozen yogurt 😉 I’m thinking about going out for some tomorrow night- SO delicious! I love all of the fresh fruit options at the serve yourself places. I had to work today too. But it wasn’t too too bad. Felt quiet with everyone else being off!

  7. Yogurtland makes me SMILE!!!!!!! I want to go! I miss froyo!!! WIsh we had it here : p thats what happens when you live in the middle of nowhere! lol!

    You and your friends are so pretty and its fun to go out with the girls! I need to do that more!

    Have a great night girl! xoxo

  8. that is some awesome sounding froyo! looks so refreshing. you and your friends are so prettyyyyyy. i feel like i always tell you that, haha 🙂

  9. I lo0ve fro-yo! My toppings usually dominate my actual fro-yo portion.

  10. I so wish we had a Yogurtland where I live… 🙂

  11. Good-lookin eats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That froyo looks amazing, too! =D

  12. Yogurtland looks awesome! I wish I had one where I live. We don’t have any self-serve yogurt places near me. I would love to try one! It looks so cool!

  13. You motivated me to go make a breakfast egg sandwich 😉

  14. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Yum all that stuff looks delicious. I use to go to Yogurtland like almost everyday last summer but now that I’m vegan I can’t.

    I wish they would have a soy yogurt flavor for the vegan fans. : (

    By the way that banana and almond butter smash sounds so delicious I have some raw macadamia nut spread I think I’m going to do the same with that.

    Thanks for the idea!

  15. Booo… sorry you had to work. I did, too, and it was soooo slow at work!

  16. I haven’t had froyo in forever! I did just get an ice cream maker, though, so I should easily be able to create my own froyo. 🙂

  17. Definitely pineapple and kiwi for yogurt toppings are my favorite! And maybe a drizzle of marshmallow cream too 🙂
    The Acai berry flavor sounds right up my alley!

  18. Will take both and some yogurt to work tomorrow.After 14 years at my Middle School this past spring W. This week will be either rotisserie chicken salad crackers and yogurt not all in one bite or the same with hummus instead of the ch.


  1. […] with my friends.  Lizelle’s birthday and Alicia’s […]

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