Family Affair

America the beautiful.

Beautiful day.

Beautiful evening.

Beautiful weather.

Just beauty everywhere.

2011-07-04 (260)

Our 4th of July festivities this year was a family affair.

We had a barbecue, swam in the pool and watched the fireworks in the evening.

My nephew Jonah says hi.  He is growing every minute and accumulated some chubbiness while we were away for the wedding and honeymoon.

2011-07-04 (88)

Our barbeque spread included burgers, beef short ribs marinated Korean bbq style, sausages, and chicken.

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Fresh fruits from our trip yesterday and seaweed salad.

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My plate x 2. I really loved all the veggies.

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Cherry pie served with ice cream.

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Some baby playing in between.

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I got to baking and warm, chewy oatmeal raisin cookies were served fresh from the oven.

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Since these cookies vanished right away, a second batch was made. A new batch of white chocolate, cranberry oatmeal cookies coming right up.

Red, white and blue. How festive!

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Is it bad that I want to wear my little niece Jazzy’s cute sandals? I also wanted to do my hair like her 🙂

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We headed to the park when it was time for fireworks.

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We were greeted with the aroma of deep fried foods. The lines were long for food so we just scouted for our spot in the lawn.

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We decided to avoid the crowds at Disneyland and watched the fireworks at our local park instead.

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Jonah paid attention to everything. Look at his big eyes.

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We enjoyed the firework show. There was a variety in color and also the music. They played traditional patriotic music as well as current pop songs.

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We enjoyed the firework show but did not enjoy the long wait getting out of the parking lot. Mental note for next year: park far and away from the crowds and walk to the show or ride our bikes.

It was fun to spend time with our family, especially the kids. I am loving summer already.


  1. How cute (and natural looking) is the photo of you, your hubby, and your nephew. Love it!

    I still can’t get Windows Live Writer to do a nice photo layout like you!

    • Thank. It’s what I can hope our future would look like years from now 🙂 You will have your own littlle mini-me (or hubby’s mini-me) soon. I’m happy just thinking about it.

      I just copy and paste the pictures in live writer, then you can crop it any shape you want to fit the layout.

      • Do you just have the free downloaded version of WLW or something else? Mine is very simple and only allows me to insert (1) photo from my’s not really a copy and paste. Why am I so bad with WLW..arg!

      • Yes, I have the free version. I downloaded the whole windows package together, which included Live Writer and other things. It was free and I never had any problems with it. I wonder if there ARE different versions too?

  2. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Awesome! well crowds I would have loved far more then my camera dying on me mid way to the festivities. = )

    My mental note to self make sure your battery has been charged! LOL

    I did take pictures of one of my step daughters having some fun in the block party participation festivies filled with games.

    No pictures of fireworks but I still have a mental picture of how they were and with that I’m satisfied. = )

    Have to make the best out of life.

    Cheers and glad you had a happy 4th!

  3. The fireworks show looks awesome! I don’t blame you for skipping disney!

    So… how can we make our nephews stop growing?! Really -they keep getting cuter (of course!) but I don’t want them growing up so fast!

  4. What a great day 🙂 And such beautiful pictures. All of that fresh fruit! AND seaweed salad? Deliciousness. Jazzy’s hair is pretty darn adorable.

  5. So beautiful! What a great holiday you guys had! Your niece is TOO CUTE! She has style and sass! Love her! I like her flower hair band, I got one just like it while I was in Maui!!

    Have a beautiful night, love all the pics!!!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous. 🙂 What a beautiful family you have!

  7. What beautiful pictures! It looks like you had a great holiday weekend! 🙂 I’m loving Jazzy’s sandals too! So cute!

  8. I totally love that you had Korean-style beef ribs, which I loooove. I only have them when I go to Korean bbq restaurants but maybe I should try making them at home…

    Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! That photo of you and your hubby with your nephew is precious.

    • Thanks Lisa 🙂

      There’s a Korean Market in our neighborhood and sells cheap Korean BBQ short ribs. It makes it easier especially if you have company and need a big batch of marinated beef.

  9. I need to figure out how to use Windows Live Writer because like Shanna I can’t get my pictures to work properly!

    You look fabulous Lea! I’m glad you had a great 4th!

    • Thanks Ameena 🙂 About WLW, I downloaded the whole windows package together, which included Live Writer and other things. It was free and I never had any problems with it. Which version of WLW do you have?

  10. Sounds like SO much fun!!

  11. Looks like a fantastic day! Your niece and nephew are adorable!

  12. Hotchick says:

    lol, Hi, we have a lot in common, we both are Filipino and live in Cerritos. If I saw you there, I would have came up to you like a big fan and said hello, but we watched fireworks somewhere else this year.

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