My October Goals

There’s something about the beginning of Fall that brings structure into most of our lives.

I really think it starts in September when the school year starts.  The carefree days of summer ends and everyone is back to their schedules and usual routines.

I usually have monthly goals for myself but some months they are vague and I never really pay attention at the end of the month if I achieved the goals I had set out to do in the beginning of the month.

Well for October, I wanted to list some of my goals (excluding a few personal goals) on the blog so I can hold myself more accountable to achieving them.

I also love checking things off a list, so I would love to have a list full of completed checks at the end of the month.

Here are my goals for October (random order, in no order of importance):

  • 1,000 active minutes = I was really consistent in staying active during the first half of the year. But lately, I have slacked off in that department. To achieve this goal, it will be an average of 45 mins/6 days a week. On some weekends where we hike for 2 hours, I can easily achieve this goal.
  • Strength Training 2x per week = I changed gym recently and I left my Body Pump classes and instructors that I loved. But that shouldn’t be an excuse to stop doing weights completely. I can learn new routines on my own and create my own strength training routine (anybody have recommendations?)
  • Make 5 new dinner recipes = I have a lot of cookbooks that are not being utilized. I need to start using them because they are just collecting dust and space. I also want to discover new blogs that have recipes that will inspire me to make something new in the kitchen.
  • Post 4 non-food related topics = I like variety and there are other exciting topics I want to start writing about. i.e. travel, fashion, books and etc.  A lot of my travel posts involved a lot of pictures and they are time consuming. But I love doing it and should really make time to finish the posts. It makes me happy to look back on my other adventures.
  • Put wall decor and framed pictures around the house = Since we repainted most of our walls, the walls have been bare ever since. I want to frame pictures from our wedding/travels and of course, of our family/friends too.
  • Take care of my new vegetable garden = My garden is growing fast but I have neglected it. It involves a LOT of weeding and I haven’t been consistent on taking care of it.  I was the one who insisted to Chris that I want a garden and he worked hard in building one for me in the backyard.
  • Donate a bag of items = Simplify. Pretty much I want to own less and live more. I want to clear the clutter from my closet. The step I want to take this month towards this goal is to have at least one huge bag for donation. Baby steps.
  • No shopping for new clothes = This is a hard goal but I am willing to try it out for a month. I have a few functions this month that will require for me to dress up. I MUST wear what I have in my own closet. No shopping for new clothes. Period.
  • Spend more quality time with my husband and my family = I’m at my happiest moments when I’m with them.

So those are my goals for this month. I think they are all doable, some will require more work than others. The first step to achieving my goals is to make them in the first place.

What are some of your goals for this month? Any recommendations on any of my goals above?



  1. Great goals!

  2. Love the goals, the no shopping one would be hard for me, but I really just need to go shopping for some long sleeve basic shirts, and forever 21 has them really cheap, good for layering for fall/winter ; )

    My goal is to get wedding album done and pics printed!

    Happy Tuesday love!

    xo ❤

    • Thanks for the heads up on cheap long sleeve at F21. I to replace a few in my closet. I think I can stretch them out for another month, lol.

      Oh yes, wedding album! I have to get on that too.

  3. I like your goals! 🙂 I’m hoping to get a ton of wedding diy things out of the way. I have so many to do. I don’t even know where to start.

    • What helped me with my DIY was to tackle one project at a time. If I had to many DIY materials and crafts stuff laying around, I got stressed and anxious looking at them when I wasn’t working on it. So if I kept it to one project at a time, I kept the clutter to a minimum. Good luck.

  4. This is great idea! Brilliant! I love all your goals and actually, I hope you don’t mind if I copycat a couple of them for my personal to-do/goal list.

  5. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    I’ve also set goals for myself but since I hurt my knee and married I’ve been totally slacking I really need to get back into it again as I see I’m more focused and physically in shape when I do this.

    I love your ideas as some fall under my choices as well.

    For me:

    1) 1,000 minutes weekly
    2) Strength training 3-4 X a week
    3) No Shopping too ugh
    4) utilize my cookbooks
    5) De-clutter (yes this has been a goal of mine about 1 year ago.
    6) Spend more quality time with husband and kids.

    Thanks for reminding me. Great Post.

    • Whoa, 1000 minutes per week? j/k I know that you probably meant for it to be monthly.

      I hope your knee will heal fully soon. I take walks at the park and read magazines while walking. I count those as active minutes. That’s why I didn’t specifically say workout minutes. I like “active minutes” better.

  6. ooh the no shopping goal is one I need to make! Great idea. I have a shopping for clothes “problem.”

  7. I like how you said “active minutes” vs how many workouts per week or something similar. I may have to adopt this idea!

    And I hear ya on utilizing what’s in your closet. I most definitely need to do that particularly with my shoes/boots since I don’t even wear all the ones I have. It will be a good little challenge for me to mix things up instead of just buy, buy, buy!

    • Yup, I like active minutes better than workout minutes. A walk at the park counts as being active.

      I have a challenge for you. 30 clothing items for 30 days. That way you can be creative with all the outfits you wear if you are limited to 30 items (accessories and shoes not included).

      • I might actually be able to do that since my maternity clothes are limited I’d have to really work with what I have!

        Yay for shoes not being included in the 30 🙂

      • I’m thinking of doing the same thing, BUT probably in November or December because I need to organize my closet first.

  8. Such a great post! I just did a goals post tooooo! My favorite of your goals is continuing to do strength training (lots of bloggers have great workouts up like Naomi from one fit foodie, get healthy with heather (heather), fitnessista (Gina!). And not shopping/cleaning out your closet. Best of luck girl!

    • Thanks so much Erica for the list of workout tips from bloggers. I’ll go search their blog now. I really just need to start. I keep thinking it is this big project in my head. My own routine doesn’t have to be a 60 minute routine like Body Pump, I can start at 3o minutes. Your comment just got me thinking about that. Thanks.

  9. your goals are so similar to mine. i REALLY need to get rid of clothes. they’ve been in my trunk for like 2 months. just sitting in the car. love the fitness goals! i’ve been slack about strength training..need to keep up with my baby muscles!

  10. There are some unbelievable recipe & easy Do-It-Yourself art ideas on

    • You’re right, I’m on Pinterest too and it’s so inspiring that stuff I see on there….but also sucks my time because I’m addicted. I have to set a timer or I can spend the whole day pinning away.

  11. I’m with you on the no shopping for new clothes. I really don’t need any, and I realized that when I made it through September without buying a single article of clothing. Let’s see if we can both make it happen for October!

  12. I love all your goals! I think I’m going to adapt your make five new dinner recipes this month. We tend to eat the same things over and over because of lack of creativity! I’m on board!


  1. […] recipe —> towards my October goals. LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

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