Race Weekend & Coconut and Carob Bites

I am so excited for tomorrow.

It’s race day.

Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend -1

I have been looking forward to this weekend since September. This is not just any race weekend, it’s a DISNEY race weekend. It’s double the fun.

Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend -2

We are heading to the race expo today at Downtown Disney. We’re picking up all our official race items (i.e. bibs and etc).

But what I’m really looking forward to is walking around, hanging out with my friends who are also running the race with me, seeing all the other runners and checking out all the merchandise and vendors at the expo.

While I’m off to have fun and soaking in all the festivities this weekend, I wanted to share this simple energizing snack that I enjoyed throughout my training.

I ate these babies up before and during my long runs and also brought them with me during my hikes.

The main ingredient and sweetener are dates. I bought these dried dates from the farmers market, but I’ve seen them being sold at Costco too or other health food stores.


Coconut and Carob Bites

(recipe adapted from ToneItUp)

  • 2 cups Pitted Dates (I used Medjool)
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • 1/2 cup no salt added Almonds (already slivered is easier)
  • 1/2 whole no salt added Cashews
  • 1 scoop protein powder (I used vanilla rice protein powder)
  • 1/2 Cup Carob Chips (or chocolate chips)
  • 3 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • Add a tiny bit of water or lemon juice to moisten (optional)


Throw Dates, Coconut, Almonds, and Cashews, flaxseed in a blender or food processor.

Once processed, add Carob Chips last and mix them into the ingredients by hand.

Roll into tablespoon size balls and enjoy!

I stored them in the freezer.

IMG_6275 (2)

I used whole almonds, that’s why there are big chunks of almonds in the balls. Next time, I will try using slivered almonds, so that all the texture will be the same.


Have a fun weekend everyone!


  1. Best of luck!!!! What a delicious snack!

  2. Oh yum! Your little bites look yummy! I really need to make some! What a fun race! Good luck!

  3. YUM!!!!! I bet those taste incredible! I need to get me some coconut flakes.

  4. Hope you had an amazing time at the race! I want to run a Disney race someday too!

  5. I hope your race went well! Can’t wait to hear about it! 🙂
    And this bites looks really good!!

  6. those look and sound amazing!! 😀 thanks for the recipe!

  7. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Those look delicious! hmmm I make some raw balls similar I call them Lemon Tarts because I add lemon juice and zest so they have that little tangy flavor yummm I’m craving some.

    I hope it went well and you finished the race with no problems.

    Best Wishes!

  8. Elva @ gluten free flour says:

    You were awesome!!! I am so glad I got to meet you and watch what you do! You are a fantastic!!!!! And I am looking forward to trying these cookies!

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