Redondo Beach Super Bowl 10K

The day started out really foggy. This was how the road looked on my way to meet my friends before the race.


I stayed warm before the race wearing this cool sweater from Lululemon (clearance) that has a hole for my ponytail. The hoody stayed in place and kept my head warm.


My friends Gaby and Amie all met up to carpool together.



Right before the race started, the fog cleared up and it became the perfect race weather condition.

Then off we go….

It was Gaby’s first race ever (she’s on the left), we were so excited she joined us. All three of us ran together the first few miles.

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This race seem to be popular with the locals. It is such a fun race to run.


There were a few groups running in costumes and we even saw a dragon.


I was feeling really good the whole race. After the 3rd mile, my energy picked up and so did my pace.


I got in a good running groove, my stride were consistent and I kept a nice pace. My breathing was nice and relax and I just really enjoyed the last few miles.


I saw this view and it just gave me so  much energy. I remember thinking how grateful I am that I am able to run in such a beautiful place.



My friend Amie kept the same pace. I looked back once and didn’t see her, so I thought she wasn’t around me. I was so happy to see her.

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One last hill on the last mile and it was smooth rolling from there. Running this hill, I kept telling myself “Pick up your legs, lean forward, pick up your legs, lean forward…go, go, go!”.


Yay, we did it. We all really enjoyed the race. We are planning our next one.

Me, Gaby and Amie.

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I forgot to reset my Garmin, so it picked up from my last run. This is my un-official time. I wanted to run this race and have fun with my friends, the almost negative split was the cherry on top 🙂

10K Pace

We took advantage of the closed roads and took more pictures by the landmarks. This place is very busy on weekends so it was nice to walked around the empty streets after the race.

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After the race, I went home right away to get ready for my sister’s baby shower. 

My Super Bowl Sunday was just a fun day all around. I spent time with my friends, my family and was surrounded by a lot of delicious food.

What did you do this weekend? Whether you were busy or just relaxing, hope you had a nice one.


  1. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Congrats on your run, you did it!

    Looks like you had lots of fun. I’ve been wanting to do a small run but haven’t got around to it I do need to practice some more. I can do 1 mile with no problem and I think I’ve done 2-3 miles.

    Maybe start off with a 5K and work my way up to a 10K.

    Thanks for the motivation!

    • Thanks Annette. Running races are fun, I like running with other runners and especially running with friends. I started out only able to run 1/4 mile at a time, then very slowly, I was able to run more and more.

      This race had a 5K also, if you are interested in running it next year?

  2. I used to live like 2 blocks from where you ran 😉 Seeing the pics made me miss it just a bit!

    • Really, how nice was that?

      During my run, I was thinking “Gosh, these houses are beautiful. I would love to live here and hangout at the beach every day”. Come move back down here, lol!

  3. Woah!! 10k is no joke! I thought I was cool doing a 5 mile race. You girls rocked! I need to own a ponytail hoodie!!! I’m google searching this as soon as I’m done typing.

    • Thanks Mindy. The ponytail hoodie really works for my hair because I have thick hair, and usually if I have my hair up, the hoody doesn’t stay on my head. I hope you find a deal. Let me know if you do.

  4. Awesome race! Looks like I def should have ran it with you – perfect conditions!

    Is the tank Lulu as well? I love it.

    • Did you run a race this weekend? I’ll probably run this race again next year (3rd time), come join me 🙂

      The blue tank is from Lulu. I love the length and it doesn’t ride up. BUT, if you sweat a lot like me during runs, the sweat marks will show. I should have bought a light colored one.

  5. We just relaxed this weekend!
    that looks like a really fun race!!!!

  6. Congratssssss awesome job!the goodies for the shower look amazing

  7. It looks like it was a nice day to run. I was at Huntington Beach yesterday and it was a little overcast for much of the morning (which is actually a good thing!).

  8. Congrats girl! I have never ran a race before and have always wanted to! I would of love to have ran with you! I think its awesome to have running buddies! Congrats to you girls! xoxo

  9. Congratulations! Awesome negative split. I really need to work on that. I did my first 10k in November, and my first mile was under 8 minutes, and my last was over 9! I’m really bad at pacing 🙂

  10. I’m hoping to do a 5k this summer… It’ll be my first race ever, but I think it’d be fun. LOVE your photos! 🙂

  11. Great run Lea!

    “I remember thinking how grateful I am that I am able to run in such a beautiful place.” — what a wonderful thought!

  12. Sounds like a great race! Congrats! I love your lululemon hoodie, too. 🙂

  13. Wow – you did great, Lea!
    I bet you and G had a blast together 😉

  14. Congrats on the run! It looks like it was so beautiful 🙂 I love how the lulu sweater has a hole for your poney tail! so cute!


  1. […] after our fun Redondo Beach Super Bowl 10K race last February (1st of 3 races), we started searching for another race to […]

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