wardrobe capsule / week 8

I started this wardrobe capsule on the first week of September, so I’ve been wearing the pieces for 3+ months.  I’m planning to start another capsule for the months of January – March/April.

Lately, I’ve been forgetting to take pictures of my outfits.  I take these outfit pictures at work, in a public bathroom. I don’t like to take pictures when someone is around (I get shy), so some days I skipped the pictures because I forget, but other days, I can’t take pictures because I’m not alone.

I pre-planned the outfits for 3 months and it ended in November. In December, I have a lot of days off and have shorter work weeks, so I didn’t plan my outfits and pretty much just rotated all my favorite outfits from the last 3 months.

Hopefully, I can organize a post about all the items I wore on this capsule.  I’m going to donate a few items that I don’t care to continue wearing, some items will be put away in storage for next Fall season and the other items, I will continue wearing for the next capsule.

I created a page for all the posts on my wardrobe capsule.

wardrobe capsule - week 8 (1)



wardrobe capsule - week 8 (4)

wardrobe capsule - week 8 (2)


This is outfit below is one of my favorites (top 5) outfit in this whole wardrobe capsule. I like how simple it is, yet all the pieces fits perfectly on me and all the materials feels nice. I’m  leaning towards more simplicity in all areas of my life, and this outfit reflects the simplicity I’m after.

wardrobe capsule - week 8 (3)


  1. Wow you’re so good at mixing it up! I’ve been working on mixing up my closet so this is perfect inspiration!

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