Scratched Eyes & Picture Montage

I have been wearing contact lens for almost 8 years now and I wore reading glasses a few years before that.

Lately, I’ve had painful irritation everyday that started usually around late afternoon. I thought my eyes were just dry because my office job has me sitting in front of the computer all day long. So I would put moisturizing drops to help with the dryness but lately, it hasn’t been helping.

Well, I had my annual eye exam and was told my cornea were scratch. I have corneal abrasion from both eyes. Not just minor scratches, but DEEP scratches. I can’t wear contact lens for 2 weeks until it heals. I had to go find and dust off my old eye glasses so I can use it instead of my contact lens.

My optometrist thinks something went in my eye, like sand or something while I’m outdoors and I probably made it worst by scratching my eyes when it would get dry. So I tried to remember my activities the last 2 months since the irritation started. Well, we went to San Diego and spent time at the beach, we went hiking, spent an afternoon in the wild, and we met our wedding photographer during a very windy afternoon along the coast. Who knows how it could have happened, but I am doing my best to have it healed as soon as possible. My eyes just need a breather.

Wearing my glasses feels weird because the prescription isn’t as strong as my contacts. I wear my contacts from the moment I wake up to right before I go to bed, my glasses was my back-up and rarely used it. I am seeing things a little differently, it’s a blurry world out there for me.

I’m keeping my computer use to a minimum the next few days and trying to rest my eyes. 

Life is full of vibrant colors and I can’t wait to see it as such once my eyes are healed.

Last week I shared with you Part I of my favorite pictures from our engagement session and I had a few requests from friends to see more pictures, outfit details, photographer info,  location and etc.

I think the questions were all answered, but I’ll put it all on a post too to share the info. In the meantime, I’ll share with you this picture montage, it includes more pictures from that glorious day. I created this for our wedding website to share with our family and friends.

I wanted to share it with you here too.

Video embedded below.


If you can’t see the video, you can view it from YouTube by clicking –> HERE


  1. I know a lot of people who prefer Contacts over Glasses.

    Enjoy your rest! 🙂


  2. Annette (Defiant Vegan) says:

    Hey Lea that suks that must hurt. Well I hope it heals fast because driving with not so strong back up glasses can be bad when driving.

    That presentation was sweet really makes the pics come a live.

    I’m so happy for you.


  3. ouch! i once had a corneal ulcer from not properly washing my contacts. that hurts!!!

  4. Something similar happened to me when I was using contacts….back to glasses now!

  5. oh man! I have contacts and wear them 24/7 too. Hope your eyes heal quick. LOVE the slideshow. My photographer did this with our wedding photos and we watch it on all anniversaries- great song too 😉

  6. I’m sorry about your eye! I hope it heals very quickly! I am the same way as you with contacts. I wear them all the time although, if I don’t have anywhere to be when I get home from work, I take them out and wear my glasses so my eyes can breathe the rest of the night. I love how I can see with my contacts in. It’s definitely not the same with glasses.

  7. The photo slideshow is beautiful!!! I love it! Your photographer did a amazing job !

    I am so sorry about your eyes, that sounds so painful, I hope they heal up fast! xoxo

  8. I prefer contacts over glasses, but there are some days (especially when allergy season starts) that I have to wear my glasses more often because my eyes get so itchy :-/

    I hope your eyes get to feeling better!

  9. I feel your pain…my eyes are ALWAYS dry from my contacts. But I can’t see very well with my glasses, plus I look like a nerd. Such a problem…I wish I had perfect eyesight.

    I don’t wear my glasses to the gym. I sort of stumble around blindly but I simply cannot wear my glasses to the gym!

  10. ouch, i’m sorry about your eyes and i know your pain, i had the same thing 2 years ago and it didn’t want to heal :/ i was on steroids and it would get better, then i would put my contacts on and it would be back… since then i’ve been wearing glasses only and it’s fine. now i can only wear one day conctacts (before i was using 3 month once, baaaaad!) but i haven’t tried them yet cause they’re super expensive since i have two different eyes and would have to buy one package with -3,25 and one package -3,75 (and one package has like, 30 contacts). and i work out at the gym with my glasses on, i guess you just have to get used to it.

    hope you get better soon!

  11. Hot mama! Love the pic of you standing against the tree with your leg wrapped around him. Ow ow!

    Get lasik 😉

  12. Ouch, I totally need to get more contacts soon… I’m on monthly ones, and after the pair I’m wearing now, I only have 1 more. Current pair has a tiny cut on it that I just discovered this morning, so when I get home, they are out. But glasses… =-(

  13. Sorry to hear abut your eye.

    Nice slideshow & music for your engagement photos! Congrats! 🙂

  14. Yikes! I hope your eyes heal up super fast. The slideshow is adorable, you guys make a beautiful couple!


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