85 Degrees: Bread and Tea

I try to schedule a weekend once a month where my social calendar is completely clear and I am free to do whatever I want. I usually schedule this weekend for when the husband is working both Saturday and Sunday.

I do things that makes me happy, like exploring a new bakery that I haven’t tried. I get really excited walking into a new-to-me bakery and not knowing what treats I find.

Recently, I visited 85 degrees Bakery & Cafe and brought my mom along. A relaxing afternoon eating bread and tea with my mom.


I love that the bakery has so many great choices, from savory to sweet, from desserts to every day breads, from dense, multi grain bread to light and fluffy sponge cake. They have everything.


You know that a bakery is good when every time you pass by it, there’s a line outside the store. That’s the case for this bakery.

You walk in, you grab a tray (trust me, you will definitely need the tray) and tongs to grab the pastries from the display.


My mom and I wanted to try everything but we had to limit ourselves and told ourselves that we could always go back.  We still end up with a full tray. She brought some bread home for my sister and I brought back a hot-dog stuffed parmesan bread for the husband.

We sat down in the restaurant section of the bakery and enjoyed our green tea latte (the bakery makes it with soy milk).

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Awww, it’s the simple things! It’s so cliché, but it’s the simple things that makes me happy.

I brought along a book so I can catch up on my reading while drinking my latte.



I hope you had a fun and relaxing weekend!!


Do you have a favorite bakery? Or do you enjoy trying new bakeries?



  1. That restaurant looks like fun and it would be dangerous for me! I’d eat everything!!

  2. squigglefloey says:

    Ahhh! I went to the one in Irvine once when I was going to school there and it is always sooooooo crowded! haha. You’re not kidding about the line always being out the door. 🙂 My friends all rave about the taro buns, which I have yet to try!

  3. YUMMMMMMM! My favorite thing about bakeries is sugar cookies. They always smell and look delicious. I just have to get one! a hot-dog stuffed parmesan bread? That sounds insane!

  4. Wow all those breads look delicious!! I don’t hit up any bakeries in my area too often, but now I want too!

    I’m sure if I go into the city (Chicago) I can find a lot of amazing ones. The options are limited here in the burbs!

  5. My favorite bakery is Great Harvest. Their breads are just so good! 😀

  6. Defiant Vegan (Annette) says:

    wow those Pastries look big and yummy. Glad you had fun and nice to spend time with a loved one.

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