
Ever since I got pregnant last year, it seems like life has been full of changes.  During pregnancy, your body goes thru so many changes. After you give birth, a big change and shift happens in your life and now another change that I’m going thru, which is going back to work.

Without going into the details, I went back to work and saw many changes in the workplace. I also transitioned back to work in a less than ideal scenario.  But I like my job and I love what I do so all I can do now is move forward and as they say, keep on truckin’.

I went back to work mid-week, which was intentional and highly recommended for new moms going back to work. That way you have a short week during your first week at work.

As expected, my first day back was full of emotion. I had so much work waiting for me, that the day went by so fast and after I rushed home, I was able to have cuddle time with the baby and have our typical bedtime routine.


Gave him lots of kisses…..


“Welcome back to work” cupcakes to help sweetened the day. It was great to catch up with everyone again and also to have a full day of adult conversations.


My hair has grown so long and I haven’t had it colored since before I got pregnant, so color and cut was much needed.  I have thick hair, but it feels a little lighter now that I chopped 3 inches off. It makes it faster to get ready in the morning with a shorter length.

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The weekend before I went back to work, the hubby and I had our first night out without the baby. The grandparents and aunties babysat for us.


So it has been full of changes around here and I know more changes are coming up.

Summer is coming up and I am so excited for what lies ahead!

I’ll be enjoying the outdoors, sunshine and palm trees.


…..and the pretty flowers.





As a first time mom and transitioning into a working mom role, I would love to find other mommy blogs that are fun to read or get inspiration from.

If you are a mommy blogger or read and recommend other mommy blogs, please leave me a comment, links are welcomed.



  1. I remember my first week back. Full of emotions! Happy to be back doing some adult things, feeling guilty for leaving the peanut, being sad without the peanut. Pat on the back to you for making it through!

  2. I can’t relate to being a mommy blogger but I can certainly relate to undergoing a lot of changes in the past year! Hope all is well!

  3. He is such a cutie. Your hair looks so pretty!

  4. I can’t imagine having to leave my baby so soon. I’ve been truly blessed to have a year maternity leave. I’m back to work in August and am a little nervous about being able to balance everything. Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated!!
    As for mommy blogs I really like

    Such a cutie!!

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